Knowledge Management Portal



The IFAD funded SKiM Knowledge Management Portal, is a beacon of publications, news, data and information coming from research for development organizations, academia, government bodies, national agricultural research systems and extensionists across the globe. The Portal is built to enhance the outreach of the scientific and organizational knowledge aggregated, fostering partnership building and information sharing across users and institutions, strengthening knowledge management and providing the basis for more advanced knowledge visualization (OpenRXV powered SKiM Explorer ).


SKiM - 2022 Morocco Country Source Book

20 Jun 2022
The MLR itinerary is planned from Chefchaouen - located in the Northern region of Morocco receiving about 880 mm of rain annually- to Marrakech in the South, suffering from drought with 240 mm/year. The objective of the visits aims at sharing the adaptation process of local stakeholders to different constraints regarding their agricultural and economic activities. The genebank visit in Settat witnesses the government preoccupation regarding the management of biodiversity mainly through the conservation of local resources. The university UM6P presents a new modern university model that is fully integrated into social and economic context. The university has developed within few years a high-quality level of training and research as well as entrepreneurial and innovation activities. An incubated start-up focusing on the quinoa valorization will be visited as well. Finally, the agro-industrial sector is introduced through two different case studies. Apia shows how a local company started a few years ago from scratch, led by an engineer, and has now become an international company for local product valorization, employing thousands of people in different locations in Morocco and abroad. The second case concerns the cluster innovation mechanisms supporting women's cooperative, helping their empowerment and inclusion in society. The table 1 highlight the main topics to be discussed during each study visit, and table 2 shows a Cross-table of cases and thematic areas.
scaling,knowledge transfer,sstc,partnership building,learning route


SKiM - 2022 Morocco Learning Route Information Note

11 Jun 2022
Case studies were carefully selected through multiple consultations processes among stakeholders to ensure inclusivity and consideration of different aspects of KM and thematic areas on the SKiM project. The target group is country institutions dealing with agricultural and rural solutions. Potential institutions for inclusion in this project include key decision and policy support agencies, departments, and units housed or associated with 10 different Ministries such as Ministries of Agriculture, Environment, or Water, and Rural Planning Institutions that are responsible for rural welfare, natural resources management, and agricultural production. The organization of the learning route in Morocco aims to present to Moroccan and international partners participants best practices in the KM, focusing the whole chain of innovation. Indeed, the visits will start by presenting institutional arrangements regarding KM in higher education and research institutions (IAV, INRA and ENA) as well as in extension agency (ONCA).
scaling,knowledge transfer,sstc,partnership building,learning route


SKiM - 2022 Morocco Learning Route Agenda

11 Jun 2022
The first set of institutions are producing knowledge through either research activities, expertise or capitalizing on end-users and stakeholders returns. ONCA, is one of the last chain links, holds the responsibility of sharing knowledge on the field. The designed program of the MLR considers several SDGs as presented in the following figure1. In addition, the case studies are located in different regions in Morocco which differs from their climate and soil conditions, economic development and agricultural specialties. The MLR itinerary is planned from Chefchaouen - located in the Northern region of Morocco receiving about 880 mm of rain annually- to Marrakech in the South, suffering from drought with 240 mm/year. The objective of the visits aims at sharing the adaptation process of local stakeholders to different constraints regarding their agricultural and economic activities. The genebank visit in Settat witnesses the government preoccupation regarding the management of biodiversity mainly through the conservation of local resources. The university UM6P presents a new modern university model that is fully integrated into social and economic context. The university has developed within few years a high-quality level of training and research as well as entrepreneurial and innovation activities. An incubated start-up focusing on the quinoa valorization will be visited as well. Finally, the agro-industrial sector is introduced through two different case studies. Apia shows how a local company started a few years ago from scratch, led by an engineer, and has now become an international company for local product valorization, employing thousands of people in different locations in Morocco and abroad. The second case concerns the cluster innovation mechanisms supporting women's cooperative, helping their empowerment and inclusion in society. The table 1 highlight the main topics to be discussed during each study visit, and table 2 shows a Cross-table of cases and thematic areas.
scaling,knowledge transfer,sstc,partnership building,learning route


SKiM - 2021 Steering Committee Minutes

16 Dec 2021
SKiM 2021 Steering Committee minutes
research for development,capacity,sharing,km,data curation,curation,creation,knowledge creation,discovery,knowledge discovery,knowledge storage,mgmt,knowledge curation,r4d


SKiM - Sudan NFP 2021 Steering Committee

15 Dec 2021
Steering Committee presentation by the National Focal Point of Sudan on the national developments and future perspectives in knowledge management.
research for development,capacity,sharing,km,data curation,curation,creation,knowledge creation,discovery,knowledge discovery,knowledge storage,mgmt,knowledge curation,r4d


SKiM - Enhancing KM Performance through Science and Community of Practices

15 Dec 2021
SKiM 2021 Steering Committee presentation on enhancing KM performance through science and community of practices on knowledge management.
research for development,capacity,sharing,km,data curation,curation,creation,knowledge creation,discovery,knowledge discovery,knowledge storage,mgmt,knowledge curation,r4d


SKiM - Morocco NFP 2021 Steering Committee

15 Dec 2021
Steering Committee presentation by the National Focal Point of Morocco on the national developments and future perspectives in knowledge management.
research for development,capacity,sharing,km,data curation,curation,creation,knowledge creation,discovery,knowledge discovery,knowledge storage,mgmt,knowledge curation,r4d


SKiM - Estimating the value of knowledge management in the context of agricultural research priority setting: ARPS with ARC Sudan

15 Dec 2021
SKiM 2021 Steering Committee presentation by Virginia Tech on the value of knowledge.
research for development,capacity,sharing,km,data curation,curation,creation,knowledge creation,discovery,knowledge discovery,knowledge storage,mgmt,knowledge curation,r4d

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