Knowledge Management Portal



The IFAD funded SKiM Knowledge Management Portal, is a beacon of publications, news, data and information coming from research for development organizations, academia, government bodies, national agricultural research systems and extensionists across the globe. The Portal is built to enhance the outreach of the scientific and organizational knowledge aggregated, fostering partnership building and information sharing across users and institutions, strengthening knowledge management and providing the basis for more advanced knowledge visualization (OpenRXV powered SKiM Explorer ).


SKiM - Online Tutoring and Communication

24 Nov 2020
At the end of the course participants will be able to:  Identify the general characteristics of distance information and training;  Describe the most common methods of management of information systems and distance learning;  Promote a series of actions that pay particular attention to the individual needs and cultural levels of the beneficiaries (Inclusive Learning Environment);  Identifying the learning models suitable for social contexts and in line with the technologies (ICTs) available;  Apply the processing and presentation criteria "in the cloud" of information-training content;  Know and use some recent technological applications to deliver and manage web meetings and webinars.


SKiM - 2020 Sudan Online Training Report

24 Nov 2020
CIHEAM Bari’s activities are located under the Component 2: Capacity development and knowledge systematization and consequently they aim to strengthen human and institutional capacities to manage the systematization of good practices. The experience of the "lock down" due to COVID 19 has paradoxically exalted positively, despite the drama of the event, the importance of systems for carrying out various remote activities through recent online technologies on the Web (smart working, e-learning, web meetings, webinars, etc.). The objective of the training was to answer the partners needs for capacity building and to extend on demand the session E-Learning and Remote Technical Assistance (RTA): the experience of CIHEAM Bari that was advanced during the training above mentioned. Those tools are mainly used for Knowledge sharing that is one of the knowledge management main processes. In this follow-up, the general principles of distance information and training, the management methodologies of information systems, the criteria for the presentation and delivery of content and some technological applications for web meetings and webinars were presented (Annex 1). Training a limited number of participants is only the jumping off point and the trained persons at their turn will share their knowledge with others. Moreover, the SKiM learning week multimedia material was organized and set up as online open access course that will give the opportunity to a larger number of persons to access to knowledge (


Are farmers willing to pay for climate related traits of wheat? Evidence from rural parts of Ethiopia

13 Sep 2020
Wheat production in Ethiopia faces numerous climate related constraints that entail development and dissemination of wheat germplasms with yield stabilizing traits under climate related challenges such as frost, drought, and yellow rust. The adoption of the germplasms will however depend on the effective demand of wheat growers. This study investigates the preferences and willingness to pay (WTP) for frost and yellow rust resistance, grain yield, grain color, plant height, and length of maturity traits of wheat in Ethiopia. A choice experiment method was used to generate 8181 observations from a random sample of 303 smallholder farm households. We report mean WTP values, preference heterogeneity and attribute non-attendance patterns based on different formulations of the mixed logit model. The results revealed that farmers are willing to pay for yellow rust resistance, frost resistance, increase in grain yield, and white grain color (cf. brown). Farmers showed disinterest in increase in length of maturity and black grain color (cf. brown). Farmers have high WTP for yellow rust resistance and frost resistance traits, which is nearly 10 times the value they are willing to pay for increase in grain yield of 100 kg per hectare. Similarly, farmers are willing to pay for harvesting wheat yield a month earlier a price four times the value they attach to increase in grain yield of 100 kg per hectare. The weight farmers attach to climate related traits of wheat show the importance farmers implicitly give to the climatic factors they must consider in their wheat production. Therefore, carefully developed wheat varieties would improve the effectiveness of the climate change adaptation strategies of smallholder farmers.
choice experiment


Trade-Offs between Sustainability Indicators in Response to the Production Choices of Different Farm Household Types in Drylands

11 Jul 2020
Simple Summary: Bone morphogenetic protein 7 (BMP7) is one of the largest secretory signal conductive molecules and is in the TGF-beta superfamily. It plays an important role in the growth and development of hair follicles. We cloned the proximal promoter of the BMP7 gene for bioinformatics analysis. Dual-luciferase reporter system and overexpression were used to analyze the key regions and transcription factor binding sites. There was high activity between -758 bp and -545 bp in the core region of the gene and a possible binding site for transcription factors SP1 and EGR1. Abstract: The BMP7 gene is involved in the growth and development of hair follicles but its regulation mechanism is unclear. We studied the regulation mechanism of the BMP7 promoter by cloning the proximal promoter of BMP7 for bioinformatics analysis. A series of missing vectors was then constructed for dual-fluorescein activity detection based on the bioinformatics analysis results. We tested transcription-factor binding-site mutations and transcription factor over-expression to analyze the transcriptional regulation principle of the BMP7 promoter region. The upstream transcriptional regulatory region of the BMP7 gene proximal promoter was predicted by bioinformatics. There were -1216 bp to -1166 bp and -632 bp to -582 bp transcription initiation sites in the upstream transcriptional regulatory region of the BMP7 gene proximal promoter. The CpG islands' distribution showed that there were many CpG islands at -549 bp to 1 bp. A dual-luciferase assay revealed high activity between -758 bp and -545 bp in the core region and a possible binding site for transcription factors SP1 and EGR1. The transcriptional activity of BMP7 was significantly decreased in the transcriptional regulatory region of the BMP7 after EGR1 and SP1 mutation. Transcription was significantly enhanced by over expression of the EGR1 transcription factor, which strongly suggests that EGR1 and SP1 play important roles in BMP7 regulation.
trade-offs,agricultural production systems,farm household typology


2020 SKiM Learning Week - CIHEAM-Bari Innovation Chain

03 Jul 2020
ubsystems that have an ever-changing set of dependencies within a given context. The concept of systems of entrepreneurship is based on three important premises that provide an appropriate platform for analyzing entrepreneurial ecosystems. First, entrepreneurship is fundamentally an action undertaken and driven by agents on the basis of incentives. Second, the individual action is affected by an institutional framework conditions. Third, entrepreneurship ecosystems are complex, multifaceted structures in which many elements interact to produce systems performance
research for development,capacity,sharing,km,data curation,curation,creation,knowledge creation,discovery,knowledge discovery,knowledge storage,mgmt,knowledge curation


2020 SKiM Learning Week - CIHEAM-Bari Master Presentation

03 Jul 2020
Cooperation and research actions concern important issues such as food security, poverty alleviation, capacity building at institutional level, more efficient use of natural resources, improvement of agricultural production and productivity, promotion of organic farming, development of sustainable food systems, resilience to climate change, integrated management of coastal areas, gender empowerment, fisheries and aquaculture, etc. The networking activities conducted by CIHEAM Bari involve hundreds of institutions located in several countries, consolidating professional contacts, institutional and multi-stakeholder partnerships, country-to-country relationships and joint initiatives with the private sector. This paves the way to self-generating exchange of information, technical and professional expertise, publications, innovative research and educational activities, conferences and seminars, harmonization of methodological guidelines, etc.
research for development,capacity,sharing,km,data curation,curation,creation,knowledge creation,discovery,knowledge discovery,knowledge storage,mgmt,knowledge curation


2020 SKiM Learning Week - ICT and E-Learning Survey

01 Jul 2020
The ICTs – also employed in e-Learning – are useful tools to carry out development activities. There are different ICTs situations involved by context. CIHEAM-Bari, for the 2020 SKiM Learning Week session on RTA and E-learning, has elaborated the following questionnaire addressed to participants.
research for development,capacity,sharing,km,data curation,curation,creation,knowledge creation,discovery,knowledge discovery,knowledge storage,mgmt,knowledge curation


2020 SKiM Learning Week - ICT and RTA, the Experience of CIHEAM-Bari

01 Jul 2020
E-learning and Remote Technical Assistance (RTA) are Distance Learning (DL) expressions, which are complementary and synergistic with traditional face-to-face learning and technical assistance activities The E-learning activity involves the online delivery of structured courses (usually in asynchronous mode) implemented on a specially designed platform. The RTA consists in targeted interventions (usually short) that try to respond to “on demand” specific problems. These are info-training sessions delivered from a web-meeting platform (on-air) and then implemented on the e-learning platform (on-line).     
research for development,capacity,sharing,km,data curation,curation,creation,knowledge creation,discovery,knowledge discovery,knowledge storage,mgmt,knowledge curation

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