Knowledge Management Portal



The IFAD funded SKiM Knowledge Management Portal, is a beacon of publications, news, data and information coming from research for development organizations, academia, government bodies, national agricultural research systems and extensionists across the globe. The Portal is built to enhance the outreach of the scientific and organizational knowledge aggregated, fostering partnership building and information sharing across users and institutions, strengthening knowledge management and providing the basis for more advanced knowledge visualization (OpenRXV powered SKiM Explorer ).


SKiM - National Writeshops Report

20 Dec 2019
The project aims to elaborate the knowledge management (KM) innovation plan as a tool to support the project partners/stakeholders in adopting an approach capable of identifying existing gaps in different knowledge management processes (discovery & detection/(identification), acquisition & creation, storage and sharing/transfer of knowledge) and related feasible solutions in order to act through capacity development actions. The pivotal step will be the identification of the knowledge and resources in the possession of each institution partner, in order to enhance what them and prioritize what they need and what could be done. Each organization will contribute to design a plan of actions for better knowledge management, aiming at improving the knowledge produced and that is in coherence with the institution’s strategy, vision and mission. These “innovation plans” will support the institutions involved in the project to enhance the existing KM framework or its development, outlining a set of activities and interventions tailored for each one of them. The “National Writeshops to Develop Capacity Building and Innovation Plans” for Moldova, Morocco and Sudan were conducted in said countries to gather the information needed to inform the Innovation Plans, together with the Capacity Needs Assessment (CNA). The writeshops were conducted divided into two parts: a) a basic introduction to KM (definition, processes, technologies, role of people, leadership, culture) that could be used as a guideline for partners to complete the b) second part that consists in identifying needs related to the KM processes and the feasible solutions to be proposed at capacity building level.
impact pathway,research for development,capacity,sharing,km,data curation,curation,creation,knowledge creation,discovery,knowledge discovery,knowledge storage,mgmt,knowledge curation


SKIM - Moldova Writeshop News

17 Oct 2019
Obiectivul general al atelierului, la care au participat reprezentanții Ministerului Agriculturii, Dezvoltării Regionale și Mediului, Federației Naționale a Fermierilor, a Instituțiilor Științifice din domeniul agricol, a Universității Agrare de Stat și Unitatea Consolidată pentru Implementarea Programelor IFAD a fost cel de gestionare eficientă a cunoștințelor de către instituțiile participante, pentru creșterea pe termen lung și impactul maxim al activităților de cercetare desfășurate la scară națională și regională. Obiectivul complementar al proiectului prevede crearea unei rețele de bune practici comune de dezvoltare globală susținute de Fondul Internațional pentru Dezvoltare Agricolă.
impact pathway,research for development,capacity,sharing,km,data curation,curation,creation,knowledge creation,discovery,knowledge discovery,knowledge storage,mgmt,knowledge curation


SKiM - IDIS Viitorul

09 Oct 2018
Target audience The IDIS target beneficiaries include: municipal governments, central governmental agencies, private business, think tanks, accademia, CSO, and mass media outlets. IDIS “Viitorul” consists from a number of integrated teams of experts, with outstanding knowledge and expertise in the following fields: Public Sector Department operates as a resource center, training and research division of IDIS, implementing its main projects in the areas of legal protection of the municipalities, strategic planning and assistance provided to the associations of local authorities, lobbying and tutorials. Functional Market Economy Department runs regular economic analysis and forecast, taxation and tax awareness of citizens, poverty reduction and other social policies. Competitive Society Department is specialized in social policy, civic education democratization, foreign and security policy analysis, European integration, crisis management and early warning. The department’s experts perform research in the thematic areas and advocate for reforms through permanent consultations with stakeholders, conduct trainings and organize civic participation campaigns.

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