Knowledge Management Portal



The IFAD funded SKiM Knowledge Management Portal, is a beacon of publications, news, data and information coming from research for development organizations, academia, government bodies, national agricultural research systems and extensionists across the globe. The Portal is built to enhance the outreach of the scientific and organizational knowledge aggregated, fostering partnership building and information sharing across users and institutions, strengthening knowledge management and providing the basis for more advanced knowledge visualization (OpenRXV powered SKiM Explorer ).


SKiM - Estimating the value of knowledge management in the context of agricultural research priority setting: ARPS with ARC Sudan

15 Dec 2021
SKiM 2021 Steering Committee presentation by Virginia Tech on the value of knowledge.
research for development,capacity,sharing,km,data curation,curation,creation,knowledge creation,discovery,knowledge discovery,knowledge storage,mgmt,knowledge curation,r4d


SKiM - Post-MTE Action Plan

15 Dec 2021
SKiM 2021 Steering Committee presentation of the post mid-term evaluation action plan, actionated across 2021 and 2022.
research for development,capacity,sharing,km,data curation,curation,creation,knowledge creation,discovery,knowledge discovery,knowledge storage,mgmt,knowledge curation,r4d


SKIM - CIHEAM-Bari 2021 Steering Committee

15 Dec 2021
2021 SKiM Steering Committee presentation of knowledge management developments at project implementing partners CIHEAM-Bari.
research for development,capacity,sharing,km,data curation,curation,creation,knowledge creation,discovery,knowledge discovery,knowledge storage,mgmt,knowledge curation,r4d


SKiM - Portal, Communication and Developments 2021 Steering Committee

15 Dec 2021
SKiM 2021 Steering Committee
research for development,capacity,sharing,km,data curation,curation,creation,knowledge creation,discovery,knowledge discovery,knowledge storage,mgmt,knowledge curation,r4d


SKiM - Moldova NFP 2021 Steering Committee

15 Dec 2021
Steering Committee presentation by the National Focal Point of Moldova on the national developments and future perspectives in knowledge management.
research for development,capacity,sharing,km,data curation,curation,creation,knowledge creation,discovery,knowledge discovery,knowledge storage,mgmt,knowledge curation,r4d


SKiM 2021 Steering Committee Agenda

01 Dec 2021
SKiM 2021 Steering Committee Agenda
research for development,capacity,sharing,km,data curation,curation,creation,knowledge creation,discovery,knowledge discovery,knowledge storage,mgmt,knowledge curation,r4d


SKiM - Promoting agriculture, women empowerment, youth, knowledge management, and best practices through Learning Route

01 Dec 2021
For the year 2021, it was decided to elaborate a Learning route in the Republic of Moldova (September 11-17, 2021). The best practices from the Republic of Moldova related to agriculture, women empowerment, youth and knowledge management were published and disseminated through the sourcebook based on five case studies. This new approach was contributed towards raising awareness in the Republic of Moldova on the importance of knowledge management as an asset for rural development, through peer-learning, knowledge sharing, and cooperation. Learning Routes were introduced as key knowledge management and learning methodology. Learning Routes are a means to exchange knowledge between different participants and countries. This learning route has promoted agriculture, women empowerment, youth, knowledge management, and best practices from the Republic of Moldova. We have used the Learning Route Methodology of the Procasur Corporation (PROCASUR) that has been recognized, replicated, scaled up, and institutionalized over the years.
sstc,learning route


SKiM 2021 Steering Committee List of Participants

01 Dec 2021
SKiM 2021 Steering Committee List of Participants
research for development,capacity,sharing,km,data curation,curation,creation,knowledge creation,discovery,knowledge discovery,knowledge storage,mgmt,knowledge curation,r4d

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