Knowledge Management Portal



The IFAD funded SKiM Knowledge Management Portal, is a beacon of publications, news, data and information coming from research for development organizations, academia, government bodies, national agricultural research systems and extensionists across the globe. The Portal is built to enhance the outreach of the scientific and organizational knowledge aggregated, fostering partnership building and information sharing across users and institutions, strengthening knowledge management and providing the basis for more advanced knowledge visualization (OpenRXV powered SKiM Explorer ).


Regenerative grazing For climate, ecosystem, and human health

12 Nov 2022
The brief is about the case study of two transformative land regeneration approaches developed in Africa: agroforestry and regenerative grazing management. These two approaches come together in silvopastoral systems - livestock grazing and browsing in tree-dotted grasslands - which have been ranked among the most effective carbon drawdown tools at our disposal. This was presented in COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt venue.
traditional common rangelands governance system,climate action,climate adaptation and mitigation,common land grazing


Research Data Management Commitment Drivers: An Analysis of Practices, Training, Policies, Infrastructure, and Motivation in Global Agricultural Science

11 Nov 2022
Scientists largely acknowledge the value of research data management (RDM) to enable reproducibility and reuse. But, RDM practices are not sufficiently rewarded within the traditional academic reputation economy. Recent work showed that emerging RDM tools can offer new incentives and rewards. But, the design of such platforms and scientists’ commitment to RDM is contingent on additional factors, including policies, training, and several types of personal motivation. To date, studies focused on investigating single or few of those RDM components within a given environment. In contrast, we conducted three studies within a global agricultural science organization, to provide a more complete account of RDM commitment drivers: one survey study (n = 23) and two qualitative explorations of regulatory frameworks (n = 17), as well as motivation, infrastructure, and training components (n = 13). Based on the sum of findings, we contribute to the triangulation of a recent RDM commitment evolution model. In particular, we find that strong support and suitable tools help develop RDM commitment, while policy conflicts, unclear data standards, and multi platform sharing, lead to unexpected negotiation processes. We expect that these findings will help to better understand RDM commitment drivers, to refine the RDM commitment evolution model, and to benefit its application in science.
data-processing science,reuse,human data interventions,research data management,data management commitment


Data collection tool for the follow-up survey targeting farmers in Egypt

09 Nov 2022
The data collection tools was developed to collect follow-up data among farmers that participated in the iNASHR project in Egypt
no poverty,zero hunger,nutrition, health and food security,poverty reduction, livelihoods and jobs


WOCAT Reporting Form 1

08 Nov 2022
The form is used for reporting data for computing indicator values for the indicator: Number of SLM projects and programmes using WOCAT tools, methods and services
partnerships for the goals


WOCAT Reporting Form 9

08 Nov 2022
The form is used for reporting data for computing indicator values for the indicator: Number of SLM/LDN projects supported
partnerships for the goals


WOCAT Reporting Form 4

08 Nov 2022
The form is used for reporting data for computing indicator values for the indicator: Number of capacity development events held in regions
partnerships for the goals


WOCAT Reporting form 8

08 Nov 2022
The form is used for reporting data for computing indicator values for the indicator: Number of global training events conducted for UNCCD parties and other partners
partnerships for the goals


WOCAT Indicators reporting Checklist

08 Nov 2022
This template is for use by WOCAT executive team and Secretariat staff to determine whether there are activities that contribute to performance indicators, and guide the subsequent reporting
partnerships for the goals

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