Knowledge Management Portal



The IFAD funded SKiM Knowledge Management Portal, is a beacon of publications, news, data and information coming from research for development organizations, academia, government bodies, national agricultural research systems and extensionists across the globe. The Portal is built to enhance the outreach of the scientific and organizational knowledge aggregated, fostering partnership building and information sharing across users and institutions, strengthening knowledge management and providing the basis for more advanced knowledge visualization (OpenRXV powered SKiM Explorer ).


The Launch of the Sheep Fattening Community of Practice (CoP) in North Shewa

30 Dec 2022
A report on the launch of the sheep-fattening community of practice (CoP) in North Shewa.
sustainable cities and communities,nutrition, health and food security,poverty reduction, livelihoods and jobs,gender equality, youth and social inclusion


Entrepreneurial Skills Training Manual for Smallholder Livestock Keepers (Amharic Version: 2nd Edition)

30 Dec 2022
The overall goal of this manual is to equip smallholder farmers, youth groups, and other community-based organizations with basic concepts of entrepreneurship and business planning knowledge essential for the success of budding entrepreneurs involved in small businesses along the livestock value chain in Ethiopia. The chapters of this manual can be delivered as a complete package or as selected according to the specific training needs of the intended participants.
no poverty,zero hunger,nutrition, health and food security,poverty reduction, livelihoods and jobs,gender equality, youth and social inclusion


Phytochemical Profiling and Untargeted Metabolite Fingerprinting of the MEDWHEALTH Wheat, Barley and Lentil Wholemeal Flours

30 Dec 2022
An important research target is improving the health benefits of traditional Mediterranean, durum wheat-based foods using innovative raw materials. In this study, we characterised wholemeal flours obtained from a traditional durum wheat cv. Svevo, two innovative durum wheat varieties (Svevo-High Amylose and Faridur), the naked barley cv. Chifaa and the elite lentil line 6002/ILWL118/1-1, evaluating them for targeted phytochemicals, untargeted metabolomics fingerprints and antioxidant capacity. To this aim, individual phenolic acids, flavonoids, tocochromanols and carotenoids were identified and quantified through HPLC-DAD, and the antioxidant capacities of both the extracts and whole meals were detected by ABTS assays. An untargeted metabolomics fingerprinting of the samples was conducted through NMR spectroscopy. Results showed that the innovative materials improved phytochemical profiles and antioxidant capacity compared to Svevo. In particular, Svevo-HA and Faridur had higher contents of ferulic and sinapic acids, β-tocotrienol and lutein. Moreover, Chifaa is a rich source of phenolic acids, β-tocopherols, lutein and zeaxanthin whereas lentil of flavonoids (i.e., catechin and procyanidin B2). The NMR profiles of Svevo-HA and Faridur showed a significant reduction of sugar content, malate and tryptophan compared to that of Svevo. Finally, substantial differences characterized the lentil profiles, especially for citrate, trigonelline and phenolic resonances of secondary metabolites, such as catechin-like compounds. Overall, these results support the potential of the above innovative materials to renew the health value of traditional Mediterranean durum wheat-based products.
resistant starch,nmr,no poverty,climate adaptation and mitigation,nutrition, health and food security,durum wheat-based products


Business Plan: Feed processing by youth groups in Doyogena, Ethiopia

30 Dec 2022
A business plan for animal feed processing by sheep fattening youth groups in Doyogena, Ethiopia
no poverty,zero hunger,nutrition, health and food security,poverty reduction, livelihoods and jobs,gender equality, youth and social inclusion


Inventory of agroecology-related initiatives in Tunisia (1999–2022)

30 Dec 2022
This document presents the results of an inventory of agroecology-related initiatives implemented in Tunisia since 1999. A total of 26 different initiatives were analyzed through a rapid review of grey literature, scientific papers as well as electronic resources found on project/organization websites. The review highlights a fairly significant diversification of the agroecology-related intervention strategies over time – from early initiatives exclusively focused on research-and-development, demonstration, and technical support, to sensitization and capacity building approaches after the mid-2000s, and initiatives centered on value chains, multi-stakeholder platforms and credit/financial facilities after the mid-2010s. It also shows that the agroecology principles the most addressed by the different initiatives are ‘co-creation of knowledge’, ‘synergy’, ‘biodiversity’ and ‘soil health’ while the less frequently addressed are ‘animal health’, ‘social values and diets’, ‘fairness’ and ‘connectivity’.
reduce inequality,technical support,fairness,demonstration,sensitization,zero hunger,decent work and growth economic,responsible consumption and production,partnerships for the goals,clean water and sanitation,climate adaptation and mitigation,environmental health and biodiversity,nutrition, health and food security,poverty reduction, livelihoods and jobs,gender equality, youth and social inclusion,research-and-development,capacity building approaches,multi-stakeholder platforms,credit & financial facilities,co-creation of knowledge,while animal health,social values and diets,connectivity


Mapping Natural Resource (weather, soil, water, crop vegetation) to Identify Hotspots in Morocco

30 Dec 2022
Hotspot mapping using real-time geospatial information of climate, soil, water, and vegetation indices provides a guideline for developing appropriate agricultural practices and policies and strategies for sustainably utilizing natural resources, implementing adaptation strategies, and optimization of the production resources in agriculture. OneCGIAR Initiative F2R-CWANA WP3 mapped natural resources (climatic parameters, water, soil, and vegetation indices) in Central and West Asia and North Africa (CWANA) region country, Morocco. Climatic variables used for mapping include long-term rainfall, rainfall variability, drought-prone areas, temperature (average, maximum and minimum), and the trend of rainfall and temperature over time and space. Similarly, soil quality parameters such as texture, soil organic carbon, slope/elevation, soil salinity, and soil displacement by water are mapped. Further, water resources and vegetation indices are mapped. Considering the major parameters of climate, soil, and water, a hotspot/suitability map of Morocco for wheat cultivation is developed. Remote sensing data such as Sentinel-2, Landsat-8, and MODIS satellites and the data sources such as FAO (soil salinity and soil organic carbon), ISRIC (soil parameters), and ESRI (10-m land use land cover) were used for mapping specific natural resources to identify hotspots of climatic parameters. This mapping work has provided a consolidated resource map which was scattered in different form and literature and also has identified a number of hotspots that requires due consideration for sustainable agriculture production.
zero hunger,climate action,climate adaptation and mitigation,environmental health and biodiversity,nutrition, health and food security,crop vegetation


Minimum Dataset Required to Collect from Agronomic Field Experimentation

30 Dec 2022
Implementing strategic field experimentation not only provide opportunities to solve the research questions but also provide a useful way to address a number of important issues in crop, soil, water, environmental and resource economics using different analytical tools. As implementing field experimentation is resource intensive (cost, time and energy), it is important to plan for collecting/generating standard data set (both quality and minimum number).
crop productivity,soil data,field history,minimum standard data


Sheep fattening as a business for youth and women groups

30 Dec 2022
Tutorial video on sheep fattening as a business.
reduce inequality,no poverty,zero hunger,good health and well-being,decent work and growth economic,responsible consumption and production,nutrition, health and food security,poverty reduction, livelihoods and jobs,gender equality, youth and social inclusion

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