Knowledge Management Portal



The IFAD funded SKiM Knowledge Management Portal, is a beacon of publications, news, data and information coming from research for development organizations, academia, government bodies, national agricultural research systems and extensionists across the globe. The Portal is built to enhance the outreach of the scientific and organizational knowledge aggregated, fostering partnership building and information sharing across users and institutions, strengthening knowledge management and providing the basis for more advanced knowledge visualization (OpenRXV powered SKiM Explorer ).

News & Blogs

Central Asia climate change conference: search for solutions

20 Apr 2019
A high-level conference on climate change held in Tashkent on 3-4 April called for strengthening of regional cooperation and partnership on to address the issues of climate change mitigation.
climate change, cold tolerant wheat, drought, food legumes, high-yielding winter chickpea, rainfed areas, stripe rust

News & Blogs

New partnership protects wild bees and increases farmer incomes

15 Apr 2019
‘Farming with Alternative Pollinators’ is a sustainable and low-cost strategy that conserves biodiversity while increasing productivity.
biodiversity of pollinators, climate change, pollinator diversity

News & Blogs

Collaborative research activities pull the trick in developing sustainable and resilient agricultural production systems in CA

10 Apr 2019
Insight in the achievements of the closing CGIAR Collaborative Research & Capacity Building project in Central Asia.
capacity building#central asia#climate resilience#agricultural intensification#sustainable agricultural production#drylands#improved livelihood systems

News & Blogs

Succes stories on the closing workshop of the Collaborative Research & Capacity Building Program In Central Asia

10 Apr 2019
Blog on the closing workshop discussing the results of the 4-year research project funded by the Russian Federation.
central asia; capacity development; climate-smart agriculture; resilient agricultural production; sustainable land management

News & Blogs

Gulf Cooperation Council Agrees on Sustainable Date Palm Production Systems

10 Apr 2019
38 farmers have adopted the liquid pollination, while 71 pilot farmers the date drying technique in polycarbonate chambers.
sustainable production systems

News & Blogs

Caring for Data: Toward Reusability and Knowledge Sharing

29 Jan 2019
ICARDA and ILRI focus on data curation as cornerstone for the accuracy of research and usability of its results.
data curation, data interoperability, data management, data management plans, data quality, data-set, dataset, fair, fairness, machine readable data

News & Blogs

First Step on a Four Years Route to Strengthen Knowledge Management for Greater Development Effectiveness

30 Oct 2018
The key to institutional competence transferral is providing practical examples of effective best practices applications.
ifad, knowledge, knowledge management, knowledge sharing, ks, management, partnerships, sharing, stakeholders

News & Blogs

Biofortified Cultivars of Grain Legumes and Dryland Cereals Development, Mainstreamed and Adopted in India Improving Food Security and Wellness

01 Jan 2018
The year 2018 has witnessed release of 17 biofortified varieties of GLDC crops in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, two regions with more malnourished people in the world. This was possible due to mainstreaming biofortification in breeding programs at ICARDA, ICRISAT, and IITA. Adoption of biofortified cultivars have made significant contribution on production and consumption of nutritious foods.
crop biofortification, improved variety, lentil mineral biofortification

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