Knowledge Management Portal



The IFAD funded SKiM Knowledge Management Portal, is a beacon of publications, news, data and information coming from research for development organizations, academia, government bodies, national agricultural research systems and extensionists across the globe. The Portal is built to enhance the outreach of the scientific and organizational knowledge aggregated, fostering partnership building and information sharing across users and institutions, strengthening knowledge management and providing the basis for more advanced knowledge visualization (OpenRXV powered SKiM Explorer ).

Projects & Activities

Trait discovery and deployment through mainstreaming the wild gene pool in barley and grass pea breeding programs to adapt to climate change

Start date
03 Mar 2016
End date
30 Jun 2021
Barley and grass pea are among few crops with potential to withstand drought, heat, salinity and can contribute to sustaining the livelihoods of poor communities linving in the drylands, used for food and feed purposes. However, their productivities are low due to major foliar diseases and pest (barley) and to Orobanche (grass pea). Pre-breeding through introgressing useful genes from wild relative species to overcome these limitations offers opportunities for ensuring substential genetic gains.
Project Manager
Ahmed Amri
Azerbaijan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia

Projects & Activities

CRP on Dryland Systems Program Management Unit

Start date
01 Jan 2016
End date
31 Dec 2016
Project Manager
Enrico Bonaiuti

Projects & Activities

Sustainability and Operation of the Regional Research Centers in a Number of Arab Countries (Phase II)

Start date
01 Jan 2016
End date
14 Feb 2023
The project will sustain and fully operationalize the five regional research centers of ICARDA already established in Morocco, Egypt, Sudan, Lebanon, and Jordan to be able to develop new varieties and appropriate agriculture technologies; contribute to the enhancement of food, nutritional and water security; prompt the conservation and sustainable use of agro-biodiversity; enhance knowledge and experience exchange among Arab countries and capacity development of young Arab scientists.
Project Manager
Hassan Machlab
Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Sudan

Projects & Activities

Training and Surveillance Support for Wheat Rust Diseases in Central Asia and Near East

Start date
23 Dec 2015
End date
30 Nov 2016
The "Training support for Wheat Rust Diseases" project contributes to increased resilience of smallholder farmers' livelihoods in Central Asia and the Near East to rust disease threats. To this end, surveillance, diagnosis, and prevention activities will be enhanced by national authorities and key stakeholders to reduce the impact of crises, through the implementation of a training workshop, field surveys, and data collection and analysis.
Project Manager
Kumarse Nazari
Azerbaijan, Egypt, Eritrea, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Morocco, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Türkiye, Uzbekistan

Projects & Activities

Provision of proven feed resource technologies to improve the red meat value chain in Tunisia

Start date
01 Dec 2015
End date
31 Oct 2017
The livestock sector represents an important agricultural activity in Tunisia and generates significant additional income, in particular, for small farmers and the landless. Red meat is the main livestock product produced in Tunisia and is extremely diverse, with 47% derived from cattle, 45% from sheep and 8% from goats. The quality and quantity of forage produced coupled with the unbalanced feeding of livestock in rural Tunisia are not sufficient and stable enough to ensure high-quality red meat production. The adoption of diversified feeding regimes that are based on locally produced feeds and by-products can address this issue. The project offers an integrated package of successfully tested proven technologies of locally adapted feed and forage supply, combined with extension services and organizational support for smallholder farmers as well as business development support for local manufacturers. These interventions have been shown to have an immediate impact on livestock production, and on rural livelihood. The project was implemented under two agro-ecological systems:(I) the agropastoral system: Sidi Bouzid, Kairouan and Kasserine (less favourable) and (2) the livestock-cereal-based system Beja, Jendouba and El Kef (more favourable zones).
Project Manager
Mounir Louhaichi

Projects & Activities

Capacity Development for Agriculture for Afghanistan and Regional Countries

Start date
29 Oct 2015
End date
31 Mar 2018
The project organizes a series of training with the objective to enhance capacity development about modern agricultural techniques. The target group of the training are government officials and researchers, mainly in Afghanistan.
Project Manager
Charles Kleinermann

Projects & Activities

Application of Genomics to Innovation in the Lentil Economy (AGILE)

Start date
01 Oct 2015
End date
30 Sep 2019
Lentil is an important crop for the Canadian economy, and has been well recognized for its nutritional values and its potential to serve as part of the solution in combating global food insecurity issues. For this reason the project purpose is to study in deep the genetic potential of lentils and develop new tools to improve the agility of the breeding program and breeders to use germplasm in their crosses and incorporate desirable traits with greater precision.
Project Manager
Sripada M. Udupa
Bangladesh, India, Morocco

Projects & Activities

Jordan Watershed Restoration Project

Start date
31 Aug 2015
End date
31 May 2020
Although Jordan is a water-poor country with a harsh climate, it has considerable biodiversity, 90% of Jordan is an arid rangeland, or Badia, and faces substantial degradation due to overgrazing and low-beneficial barley agriculture. USFS and ICARDA will establish a pilot-scale project to restore a degraded Jordanian rangeland watershed, both upland and gully area, and to evaluate the restoration impacts on the development of the ecosystem services particularly targeting soil and vegetation.
Project Manager
Stefan Strohmeier

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