Knowledge Management Portal



The IFAD funded SKiM Knowledge Management Portal, is a beacon of publications, news, data and information coming from research for development organizations, academia, government bodies, national agricultural research systems and extensionists across the globe. The Portal is built to enhance the outreach of the scientific and organizational knowledge aggregated, fostering partnership building and information sharing across users and institutions, strengthening knowledge management and providing the basis for more advanced knowledge visualization (OpenRXV powered SKiM Explorer ).

News & Blogs

What is Knowledge Management?

10 Dec 2019
A brief overview of the two-day regional workshop, "“Bridging Knowledge Creation and Sharing for Natural Resource Management and Climate Resilience," sponsored by IFAD through the cross-regional project, "Strengthening Knowledge Management for Greater Development Effectiveness in the Near East, North Africa, Central Asia and Europe"
capacity, capacity development, creation, curation, data, data curation, development, discovery, impact pathway, information, knowledge, knowledge creation, knowledge curation, knowledge discovery, knowledge management, knowledge sharing, knowledge storage, knowledge transfer, management, research for development, sharing, storage, theory of change

News & Blogs

A very rare bee species, Schmiedeknechtia oraniensis, spotted for the first time in Morocco

02 Dec 2019
Schmiedeknechtia Friese, 1896 is a very rare genus of parasitic bees belonging to the Ammobatoidini tribe (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Only 6 species of Schmiedeknechtia are known worldwide and all are characterized by a particularly small size ranging from 3 to 5 mm in body length. Their carapace exhibit very short and sparse hairs in the form of patches of pale, often white, scalelike appressed hairs, giving a spotted rather than banded appearance to the bee.
apidae, atlas mountains, jujube, new species, parasitic bee

News & Blogs

The experience of a FAP farmer after two years of trials

18 Oct 2019
Pollinators play a key role in our ecosystems. However, farmers often lack knowledge concerning pollinators, they use tillage, chemicals and plant monocultures without thinking on the impacts on pollinators. Mohamed Chokri is involved in the IKI-pollinator project as FAP- farmer, he has the opportunity to evolve knowledge about pollinators. By the end of our field trials with smallholder farmers in Settat region, Mohamed changed his management strategies and techniques completely. Now he protects and supports pollinators.
farmer, knowledge, motivation, pollinator diversity

News & Blogs

Focus on Dasypoda visnaga, a wild bee specialized on Spanish oyster thistle

01 Oct 2019
Learn more about a beautiful wild species we found in Morocco. Wild bees are the most important pollinators in natural and agricultural ecosystems worldwide. They are very diverse in terms of color and shape, but also in terms of nesting behavior and flower preferences. This might be useful to know for anyone loving nature and in particular for farmers. Here we describe the nesting behavior and flower preferences of the Hairy-Legged Mining Bee Dasypoda visnaga.
flower preference, nesting behavior, pollinators

News & Blogs

Are Crop-Livestock Systems Ready for Conservation Agriculture?

26 Aug 2019
The project "Use of Conservation Agriculture in Crop-Livestock Systems (CLCA) in the Drylands for Enhanced Water Use and Soil Fertility in NEN and LAC Countries" has been designed to combine an adaptive research program, including integrated capacity development, with the active development of a delivery mechanism for CLCA systems to serve as impact accelerators in both targeted regions. The adaptive research component will include a subcomponent, which involves extensive socioeconomic and market data collection to be used for optimizing adapted CLCA packages for different agroecologies and socioeconomic contexts.
crop-livestock system, integrated crop-livestock systems, knowledge management, natural resources, sustainability, sustainable agriculture, sustainable systems

News & Blogs

Opportunities for Crop-Livestock Integration under Conservation Agriculture

23 Aug 2019
From 1st to 4th July 2019, the project “Strengthening knowledge management for greater development effectiveness in the Near East, North Africa, Central Asia and Europe” (IFAD-KM) supported participants representing project stakeholders such as INRA, ONCA, and IAV Hassan II from Morocco to take part in another IFAD-ICARDA hosted learning event through a traveling workshop on CA.
crop-livestock integration, knowledge management

News & Blogs

Video: Morocco: Recognizing the Importance of Insects

18 Aug 2019
Bees, butterflies and flies play an essential role in pollinating plants. Without them, humans would have a hard time finding food. Some 75 percent of our most-cultivated crops depend on insect pollination. 87% of all flowering plants need pollinators, we would lose them and their ecosystem services in case of pollinator loss. Cross-pollination also enriches the genetic diversity of plants, which in turn helps them adapt to climate change.
bees, climate change, ecosystems, farmers, farmers income, future peace, human wellbeing, pollinators, resilience

News & Blogs

Development of climate information platform discussed in Tashkent

24 Jun 2019
The representatives of the ministries of agriculture, water resources, forestry committee, hydromet and other agricultural agencies of Uzbekistan discussed the development of climate information platform in Tashkent on 11 June 2019.
climate change, information platform, uzbekistan

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