Knowledge Management Portal



The IFAD funded SKiM Knowledge Management Portal, is a beacon of publications, news, data and information coming from research for development organizations, academia, government bodies, national agricultural research systems and extensionists across the globe. The Portal is built to enhance the outreach of the scientific and organizational knowledge aggregated, fostering partnership building and information sharing across users and institutions, strengthening knowledge management and providing the basis for more advanced knowledge visualization (OpenRXV powered SKiM Explorer ).

News & Blogs

A Step-wise Approach to Assessing Knowledge Management

13 Feb 2020
In the field of agriculture and rural development, knowledge sharing (KS) and management for public institutions, as well as NGOs, community-based organizations and the private sector, is a key element to ensuring appropriate dissemination and maintenance of information, and to building capacities and development effectiveness. In 2018, the SKIM project launched a Capacity Needs Assessment to determine to identify knowledge management (KM)-related gaps in institutions engaged in the initial steps of the project. The major purpose of the activity was to undertake an assessment and determine baselines for the current state of KM, knowledge sharing, and learning needs in target organizations in Moldova, Morocco and Sudan. The assessment allowed for a diagnosis of present KM- related practices and benchmarks for improvement.
capacity development, capacity needs assessment, capdev, capdev activities, cna, IFAD SKiM, improved knowledge sharing, knowledge exchange, knowledge management, knowledge sharing, participatory knowledge management systems

News & Blogs

“Towards Sustainable Agriculture – What’s missing? What do we still need to know?”

28 Jan 2020
On November 29th and 30th, 2019, the Selectia Research Institute for Field Crops organized an international conference in Balti, Moldova, titled "Towards Sustainable Agriculture - What's missing? What do we still need to know?" This blog summarizes key activities that took place and outcomes from the conference, including perspectives from participants.
agriculture research institution, community of practice, conservation agriculture, food policy, international conference, knowledge exchange, knowledge management, knowledge sharing, multi-stakeholder platform, sustainable agriculture system, sustainable land management

News & Blogs

First consultation for the planned international stewardship for pollinator protecting agriculture

06 Jan 2020
Stewardships like organic farming certification systems or fair production schemes are market-based instruments for better social and environmental standards. The planned stewardship for pollinator protecting agriculture can additionally create synergies with other labels, in particular with certification systems for organic farming. We would appreciate your participation in this first consultation round. Please feel encouraged to further circulate this blog for wide participation by different stakeholder groups and from all continents. Support us by your feed back to develop a good certification scheme.
consumer, ISEAL, pollinator protection, producer, stewardship, trade

News & Blogs

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning platform adopted within and outside CGIAR

01 Jan 2020
Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (MEL) is an integrated and adaptable online platform for projects, activities and knowledge management, performance measurement, communication and dissemination of research findings. Its multifaceted and modular structure allows customization and remodelling to meet ever-changing demands. Given these qualities, MEL was adopted by the CGIAR Excellence in Agronomy 2030 (EiA) initiative and the Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA), joining three CGIAR CRPs and four Centers in the MEL Team.
ammonia mono-oxygenase, analysis, best practice, data management, evaluation, innovation, innovation platforms, knowledge, knowledge management, knowledge sharing, learning, monitoring, monitoring & evaluation, partnership building, planning, project management, research for development, return on investment, risk management, science communication, upscaling, value for money

News & Blogs

Research on gender transformative approaches (GTA) integrated into European Commission and Rome-based Agencies (FAO, WFP, IFAD) policy and practice documents

01 Jan 2020
WorldFish scientists contributed FISH (and AAS CRP) research to a Compendium on Gender Transformative Approaches through a joint European Union funded program with FAO, IFAD and WFP
access, gender, gender norms, gender transformative approaches

News & Blogs

Improved sheep fattening with youth entrepreneurship focus results in improved beneficiary incomes and fatter sheep

01 Jan 2020
Youth increased the fattening weights of rams from 56-122g/day to 94-198g/day (44-67%) and were able to sell sheep at a higher price, from ETB 1200-2500 to ETB 2200-4000 (45-70%) after receiving training on improved sheep practices and entrepreneurship, and a basic start-up package. These youth went on to influence farmers in their communities by hosting open field days to disseminate improved practices and provide basic veterinary services.
sheep, sheep fattening, taat

News & Blogs

New field guide on Farming with Alternative Pollinators (FAP) for farmers

20 Dec 2019
Based on 410 ex-ante assessments with farmers and our daily collaboration with smallholders taking part in the trials, the project team has good insight in farmers’ knowledge on pollinators, pollination, threats to pollinators and low-cost action to better conserve them. So ICARDA, INRA and ONCA developed this field guide for farmers, which is readable also for illiterate farmers.
chemicals, farmer trainings, ground nesting bees, habitat enhancement, pollinator diversity

News & Blogs

Survey for the assessment of the economic value of insect pollination in Morocco

17 Dec 2019
Have a little insight in my 3 months travel in Morocco to do 1000 interviews assessing how much Moroccan consumers and farmers would be willing to pay for the conservation of pollinators. Pollination is a very important ecosystem service for the well-being of farmers and consumers in Morocco. However, pollinators are facing multiple threats that make them fall in abundance and diversity. Use of agro-chemicals, monocultures, loss of field edges, urbanization and pollution threaten pollinators. Climate change increasingly causes additional risks by disrupting the timely match of plants and pollinators. Hence, pollinators need to be protected. An economic assessment can convince farmers, consumers and policymakers to take action for protection.
choice modelling, consumers, economic value, ecosystem services, farmers, insect pollination

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