Knowledge Management Portal



The IFAD funded SKiM Knowledge Management Portal, is a beacon of publications, news, data and information coming from research for development organizations, academia, government bodies, national agricultural research systems and extensionists across the globe. The Portal is built to enhance the outreach of the scientific and organizational knowledge aggregated, fostering partnership building and information sharing across users and institutions, strengthening knowledge management and providing the basis for more advanced knowledge visualization (OpenRXV powered SKiM Explorer ).

News & Blogs

Pollinator protection may not remain a privilege of rich countries

14 May 2020
In February 2020, Stefanie Christmann presented some parts of the IKI-pollinator project and the Farming with Alternative Pollinators (FAP) approach at the World Biodiversity Forum in Davos. Afterwards, the editor of the reputed journal Nature Ecology & Evolution invited her for a World View article to share with a larger audience.
Farming with Alternative Pollinators (FAP), low- and middle-income countries, pollinators, Promote Pollinators

News & Blogs

Advantage of using crop wild relatives lines across multi-environment test sites

11 May 2020
The crop wild relatives (CWR) are an important source of genetic diversity for crop improvement. In the season 2018-2019, the CWR lines of durum wheat, barley and lentil have been tested across different stations in Morocco and Lebanon. The analysis of data for grain yield revealed a high superiority of CWR- elites of durum wheat, barley and lentil across all sites. Several durum wheat elites derived from wild relatives exhibited good resistance to various diseases such as hessian fly and Septoria tritici blotch.
barley, crop wild relatives, durum (triticum durum), grain yield, lentils

News & Blogs

Performance of crop wild relatives lines under the extreme conditions of Senegal River

11 May 2020
In the first week of March 2020, a team of CARDA visited the station of Fanaye in Senegal river to follow the performance of DIIVA-PR trials. A high adaptation was distinguished for durum wheat, barley and lentil trials under the high-temperature conditions of Fanaye station. The recently released varieties of durum wheat have been evaluated for the first time at farmer field and excellent results were achieved confirming the high stability of durum wheat in Senegal valley conditions.
barley, crop wild relatives, durum (triticum durum), grain yield, lentils

News & Blogs

New 50-minutes film explaining how to become a champion for pollinator protection

03 Apr 2020
Come with us and see how pollinator protection can work! Join farmers realizing the diversity of pollinators and beneficial insects in their fields, come to know, which pollinators are efficient for which crop, how to attract these insects and how to encourage them to nest between fields. Hear farmers’ comments on Farming with Alternative Pollinators (FAP). Come to know how pollinator protection can increase your income and how to mainstream it by policy instruments. Meet different stakeholders like the Moroccan CBD-focal point, the national extension service ONCA and scientists from INRA and ICARDA.
farmers, Farming with Alternative Pollinators (FAP), ground nesting bees, habitat enhancement, natural enemies, policies, pollinators

News & Blogs

It is time to overcome separate silos for pollinator and agricultural research

31 Mar 2020
Watermelon is a good example. Watermelon is a crop with high pollinator dependency. Without efficient pollinators, productivity can drop down by up to 95%. Therefore, agricultural research teams modelling watermelon production in the course of climate change must calibrate also pollinator availability, otherwise the result can be highly misleading. However, pollinators are not yet in the scope of such models. In the same way pollinator research works mainly in its silo and neglects farmers’ criteria for field management.
biodiversity, Farming with Alternative Pollinators (FAP), health, poverty, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), synergies

News & Blogs

The ICARDA MEL Team Reflects on Work-From-Home (WFH)

31 Mar 2020
Our Monitoring, Evaluation, & Learning (MEL) Team has always collaborated remotely with global partners. We provide a few tips to adapting to this new work setting in social isolation.
coronavirus, covid-19, icarda, mel, mel platform, remote work

News & Blogs

First record of the banded bee, Amegilla mucorea (Klug, 1845), in Morocco

19 Feb 2020
Amegilla bees are commonly named banded bees because of their black abdomen with white stripes. They are medium-sized bees (10-12 mm in length) with golden brown hairs on the head and thorax. There are around 260 species worldwide, including 7 species known in Morocco. We describe here the first observation of the banded bee Amegilla mucorea in Morocco.
alfalfa, anthophorini, apidae, desert, oasis

News & Blogs

Impact Evaluation of SLM Options to Achieve Land Degradation Neutrality

18 Feb 2020
Lessons learned from the project Impact Evaluation of SLM Options to Achieve Land Degradation Neutrality.
economics of land degardation, geoc, geodata, land degradation neutrality, slm, sustainable land management

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