Knowledge Management Portal



The IFAD funded SKiM Knowledge Management Portal, is a beacon of publications, news, data and information coming from research for development organizations, academia, government bodies, national agricultural research systems and extensionists across the globe. The Portal is built to enhance the outreach of the scientific and organizational knowledge aggregated, fostering partnership building and information sharing across users and institutions, strengthening knowledge management and providing the basis for more advanced knowledge visualization (OpenRXV powered SKiM Explorer ).

News & Blogs

How a new beekeeping tech project is addressing gender inclusivity

10 Mar 2021
beekeeping, data, gender, monitoring and evaluation, women

News & Blogs

Advantages of the new advanced lines of crop wild relatives in farmer’s fields during the season 2019-2020

09 Feb 2021
The extra harsh climatic conditions of the season 2019-2020 posed a great challenge to our improved lines emanating from crop wild relatives project (DIIVA-PR) especially in Safi region where rainfall was less than 100 mm. The covid-19 epidemy was also a serious challenge to visit DIIVA-PR trials, however, our connection with farmers has persisted throughout the period of the epidemy. Remarkable results were achieved especially regarding high yield potential, drought resistance, and disease resistance by using the improved lines of durum wheat, barley and lentil. These lines hold potential in contributing to improve the living conditions of many farmers, and therefore, make their food system more sustainable.
barley, crop wild relatives, durum (triticum durum), lentils, participatory varietal selection approach, yields

News & Blogs

Updated checklist of wild bee species of Morocco

13 Jan 2021
A new paper listing the 961 described bee species of Morocco was recently published in the journal Zootaxa. This paper includes a review of historical records from the literature on the bee fauna of Morocco and recent records compiled from contemporary entomologists. Bee species richness in Morocco is almost half of European bee diversity while surface area of Morocco represents only 7% of the European surface area.
anthophila, endemism, hymenoptera, mediterranean region, pollinators

News & Blogs

Achievements of Date Palm Integrated Pest Management and Agricultural Extension and Technology Transfer Systems in Abu Dhabi

07 Jan 2021
ADFCA is tackling major date palm pest infestations in Abu Dhabi through precision-system-informatics, farm-system optimization
agricultural extension, agricultural production system, agricultural technology, bio-pesticides, integrated pest management, pest management, salt-tolerant forages, smart extension diary, technology transfer

News & Blogs

Identity marker nuances in adoption of tandem technologies: Policy recommendations to improve agricultural innovations adoption in Rajasthan, India

01 Jan 2021
The results form this study recommends policies that improve the opportunities of different farmer groups to adopt and benefit from agricultural technologies.
tandem technologies, technology adoption

News & Blogs

SKiM Virtual Learning Route: Sharing knowledge management best practices to scale

02 Dec 2020
Learning Routes were introduced as a key knowledge management and learning methodology to the Sudan in the context of the IFAD Country Programme. Learning Routes are a means to exchange knowledge between peers, here usually farmers and rural development practitioners. Sudanese development stakeholders started abroad with Learning Routes on Best Practices in Natural Resource Management, Agricultural Productivity and Women Empowerment. Then insights were modified and successfully applied to the Sudanese project contexts and have significantly contributed towards greater development effectiveness. The Learning Route Methodology has been recognized, replicated, scaled up and institutionalized.
best practice, capacity development, case studies, data curation, information, innovation, key source interview, knowledge, knowledge creation, knowledge curation, knowledge discovery, knowledge management, knowledge sharing, knowledge storage, learning route, learning survey, research for development, SKiM, social media outreach, source book, vlr

News & Blogs

Knowledge Management and Capacity Development Best Practice: Valorization and Transfer of Research Results

10 Jun 2020
In the frame of SKiM project, Strengthening Knowledge Management for greater development effectiveness in the Near East, North Africa, Central Asia and Europe, CIHEAM-Bari, in collaboration with ICARDA will organize a one-week training. This virtual training week is a starting point for sharing, using and managing the knowledge, information and experiences created by the partners involved in the project following specific models. In each institution, and in order to continue providing quality service, sharing knowledge and expertise should be occurring

News & Blogs

First record of the wood-boring bee, Lithurgus tibialis Morawitz, 1875, in Morocco

19 May 2020
Lithurgus bees are commonly named wood-boring bees because of their specific nesting behavior. These species dig holes in dead wood to make their nest. They are robust and large-sized bees (10-12 mm in length on average and up to 19 mm), commonly with hair bands on the abdomen. There are 33 species worldwide, including 3 species already known in Morocco. We describe here the first observation of the wood-boring bee Lithurgus tibialis in Morocco.
atlas mountains, megachilidae, new species, zucchini

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