Knowledge Management Portal



The IFAD funded SKiM Knowledge Management Portal, is a beacon of publications, news, data and information coming from research for development organizations, academia, government bodies, national agricultural research systems and extensionists across the globe. The Portal is built to enhance the outreach of the scientific and organizational knowledge aggregated, fostering partnership building and information sharing across users and institutions, strengthening knowledge management and providing the basis for more advanced knowledge visualization (OpenRXV powered SKiM Explorer ).

News & Blogs

Four new brochures how to protect pollinators in four different agro-ecosystems

21 Apr 2021
For which crops are bumblebees or mason bees effective? What do these wild pollinators need for nesting to build a strong future generation? How can farmers enhance their fields to sustain wild pollinators? These and other questions are tackled in the new brochures. The Arabic brochures use the Arabic names of species to make it easier for farmers.
Farming with Alternative Pollinators (FAP), marketable habitat enhancement plants, nesting, planting instruction, wild pollinators

News & Blogs

Alternative practices for sustainable farming in Moldova

19 Apr 2021
Adopting alternative agricultural practices can be a way to make farming in the country sustainable.
conservation agriculture, knowledge management, moldova

News & Blogs

Chickpea: an alternative crop for rainfed lands in Uzbekistan

19 Apr 2021
With more than 3 billion people affected, land degradation is one of the world’s biggest environmental problems. In Uzbekistan, where agriculture is an important source of income for rural population, land degradation poses substantial threats for sustainable development, causing declines in crop yields and livestock productivity.
autumn chickpea, land degradation, rainfed land, uzbekistan

News & Blogs

New video: To enhance farmers’ knowledge on pollinators is crucial for their protection

14 Apr 2021
Currently, many farmers use too many chemicals and field practices causing decline of pollinators. As the example of Europe shows, paying farmers to seed wildflower-strips does not even slow down the decline of pollinators. It is more important to talk with farmers, assess, if their knowledge on pollination and pollinators is sufficient e.g., to recognize if an insect is a pest or a wild pollinator or a natural enemy. Farmers cannot protect what they do not recognize.
agroecology, farmers’ knowledge, pollinators, unawareness

News & Blogs

What do Uzbek Beekeepers, Farmers, and Beekeeper Association Members think about a new apiary management app?

12 Apr 2021
apiculture, beekeeping, farmers, gender equality, information and communications technology (ict), smartphone

News & Blogs

Nancy Lee Adamson from Xerces Society joins the FAP team today

29 Mar 2021
Today, I join ICARDA to support the Conservation of Pollinator Diversity for Enhanced Climate Change Resilience project. Since 2011, I have been working with the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation (Xerces) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) supporting pollinator and other agriculturally beneficial insect conservation as senior pollinator conservation specialist for the southeastern U.S. At ICARDA, using the Farming with Alternative Pollinators (FAP) approach, I will work on pollinator related ecotourism, protection of ground-nesting pollinators, and provide support for national strategies and action plans for pollinator protection.
diversified farming, ecological restoration, plant diversity, pollinators, xerces society

News & Blogs

50-minutes Farming with Alternative Pollinators film now with subtitles in Tajik and Russian

18 Mar 2021
Caritas Switzerland, with financial contribution from the Principality of Liechtenstein, has facilitated the subtitling of the film to Tajik and Russian to make it accessible to farmers, extension experts, NARS and policymakers in Tajikistan. Caritas Switzerland is also promoting the film within ongoing discussions related to the need for a national strategy on pollinators in Tajikistan, as well as to better integrate pollinator protection into country programs.
farmers, Farming with Alternative Pollinators (FAP), habitat enhancement, natural enemies, policies, pollinators

News & Blogs

Brochure for agricultural advisors

12 Mar 2021
agricultural extension, agroecology, farmers, Farming with Alternative Pollinators (FAP), training

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