Knowledge Management Portal



The IFAD funded SKiM Knowledge Management Portal, is a beacon of publications, news, data and information coming from research for development organizations, academia, government bodies, national agricultural research systems and extensionists across the globe. The Portal is built to enhance the outreach of the scientific and organizational knowledge aggregated, fostering partnership building and information sharing across users and institutions, strengthening knowledge management and providing the basis for more advanced knowledge visualization (OpenRXV powered SKiM Explorer ).

Projects & Activities

Precision field-based Phenotyping Platform for Drought/Heat Tolerance-Morocco (PWPP) / Implementation of high-throughput Phenotyping (HTP) on the Lysimeter Station

Start date
01 Aug 2021
End date
15 Nov 2021
Wheat is widely grown under semi-arid conditions. The majority of the wheat in the developing world, more than 100 mills Ha, is affected by abiotic stress, as heat and water scarcity because of climatic and/or irrigation problems. The activity under CRP Wheat titled, “Precision field-based Phenotyping Platform for Drought/Heat Tolerance-Morocco (PWPP) / Implementation of high-throughput Phenotyping (HTP) on the Lysimeter Station (PhysioTron) will generate high-quality phenotyping data on abiotic stresses (drought, heat + drought), complementing the potential of new molecular selection technologies, and therefore, expanding the precision and prediction value of phenotyping/genotypic data for new germplasm emerging from the WHEAT and partner breeding pipelines.
Project Manager
Andrea Visioni

Projects & Activities

Understanding economic, social, and gender-equity implications of agro-ecological practices in agro-pastoral systems of arid and semi-arid Maghreb

Start date
15 Jun 2021
End date
31 Dec 2021
This case study capitalizes on existing agro-ecological, innovative practices in agro-pastoral systems of arid and semi-arid areas of Tunisia, to explore the monetary and non-monetary wealth creation in terms of social gender equity and economic well-being and resource-use efficiency stemming from with these practices that valorize the interactions between livestock and resource use at the farm and territorial levels.
Project Manager
Aymen Frija

Projects & Activities

AI-Driven Climate-Smart Beekeeping for Women (AID-CSB)

Start date
01 Mar 2021
End date
15 Dec 2021

Based on a participatory design and user-research process with women beekeepers in Uzbekistan and Ethiopia, AID-CSB will localize a beekeeping companion app and make it available to beekeepers. Incorporating traditional and local beekeeping knowledge and weather data, the app will be driven by data collected by beekeepers to support women, their decision-making for hive management, and provide a low-entry barrier economic activity. The women beekeepers will use the app to monitor and manage their hives by entering data on hive inspections and receiving helpful notifications on when to inspect the hive, weather, pests, diseases, and more.

Project Manager
Enrico Bonaiuti
Ethiopia, Uzbekistan

Projects & Activities

Soil Protection and Rehabilitation of Degraded Soil for Food Security

Start date
10 Dec 2020
End date
30 Jun 2024

Due to the high diversity in semi-arid drylands, land degradation cannot be addressed through uniform blanket soil and water conservation technologies (SWCT) and related policies. SWCTs are local-level activities and practices that maintain or enhance the productive capacity of the land, including soil, water and vegetation in areas prone to degradation. SWCTs also include practices that contribute to the prevention or reduction of soil erosion, compaction, salinity, etc. In order to be successful, it is required that investments in SWCT options are tailored to the specific and highly variable social and ecological contexts.

Project Manager
Aymen Frija

Projects & Activities

Extension for Seed Health Laboratory for Increased Seed Health Indexing throughput in ICARDA - Growth Chamber

Start date
15 Oct 2020
End date
31 Oct 2021
The project will allow the order and installation of a climate chamber in ICARDA’s seed health laboratory in Rabat Morocco.
Project Manager
Safaa G. Kumari

Projects & Activities

Delivering Durum Wheat Heat Tolerant Varieties to Sub-Saharan Farmers

Start date
01 Dec 2019
End date
31 Oct 2021
Providing large quantities of seeds to SSA farmers for 3 ICARDA and 1 CIMMYT durum wheat genotypes that showed great promise when tested along the Senegal River
Project Manager
Filippo Maria Bassi
Algeria, Benin, Cameroon, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Mali, Nigeria, Somalia, Togo, Zambia

Projects & Activities

Support Sustainable Livelihoods Through Development of a new Business Model for Conservation Agriculture

Start date
15 Nov 2019
End date
31 Aug 2021
يعد التغير المناخي الذي يؤثر في مناطق متعددة من العالم ومنها سورية والمتمثل بالتراجع المستمر بمعدلات الهطل المطري وتذبذبها وتأثيرها بخصوبة التربة من اهم التحديات التي تواجه الزراعة وبالتالي سبل العيش الريفية المرتبطة بها في سورية. ان نظام الزراعة الحافظة Conservation agriculture يعتبر من أهم السبل الكفيلة للتخفيف من أثار التغير المناخي في النظم الزراعية، وكذلك زيادة مقدرتها للتكيف مع الجفاف، من خلال تحسين خواص التربة إضافة إلى تعظيم الفائدة من مياه الامطار وبالتالي زيادة غلة المحاصيل المزروعة
Project Manager
Majd Jamal
Syrian Arab Republic

Projects & Activities

Watershed Health Analysis and Skills Enhancement of National Staff in Tajikistan

Start date
01 Aug 2019
End date
15 Feb 2020
Joint CaCH-ICARDA research evaluates outcomes of Sustainable Land Management (SLM) practices on agro-pastoral/forestry runoff and soil erosion processes, interrelated with on-site land degradation and off-site (downstream) damages of rural settlements and infrastructure through floods and debris flows, while training of national staff and university students.
Project Manager
Stefan Strohmeier

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