Knowledge Management Portal



The IFAD funded SKiM Knowledge Management Portal, is a beacon of publications, news, data and information coming from research for development organizations, academia, government bodies, national agricultural research systems and extensionists across the globe. The Portal is built to enhance the outreach of the scientific and organizational knowledge aggregated, fostering partnership building and information sharing across users and institutions, strengthening knowledge management and providing the basis for more advanced knowledge visualization (OpenRXV powered SKiM Explorer ).

Projects & Activities

Tracing Soil Amendment Impacts of Processed Bio-solids on the Rehabilitation of Jordan’s Agro-pastoral Areas

Start date
26 Mar 2019
End date
30 Jun 2021
The proposed TRACE Rehab project aims to combat the ongoing degradation and desertification of Jordan’s dry rangelands (the Badia) and to re-vitalize these depleted agro-pastures essential to the rural population depending on a livestock-based agricultural system. In the long term, the project will contribute to securing community livelihoods and the Bedouin tribal heritage of the country.
Project Manager
Stefan Strohmeier

Projects & Activities

Wastewater Reuse in the MENA Region: Addressing the Challenges (ReWater MENA)

Start date
24 Jan 2019
End date
30 Jun 2022
Wastewater remains an undervalued resource, all too often seen as a burden to be disposed of or a nuisance to be ignored. This perception needs to change to correctly reflect its value. Wastewater is a potentially affordable and sustainable source of water, energy, nutrients, organic matter and other useful by-products. Improved wastewater management, including the recovery and safe reuse of water and other key constituents, provides a great deal of opportunities. This is especially true in the context of a circular economy, whereby economic development is balanced with the protection of resources and environmental sustainability, and where a cleaner and more sustainable economy has a positive effect on water quality. Wastewater treatment and reuse has a great potential to contribute towards addressing the MENA water crisis. Funded by Sida and managed by IWMI, the ReWater MENA project focuses on the management of treated wastewater for agricultural use in Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon. The regional project also offers opportunities for south-to-south learning through experience learning under the banner of the National Learning Alliance. The project brings together relevant stakeholders including different ministries, international research centers, and experts in the field to seek sustainable and bankable solutions that increase safe reuse in agriculture. As part of the regional project, ICARDA contributes to Output One and 3 of the project portfolio in Egypt which include: development of a national baseline to support development of a national strategy for reuse; and the development of Local wastewater treatment and reuse (direct and indirect reuse) models. The plans will be developed through participatory methods that involve all key stakeholders including farmers, business ventures, government institutions, and other intended beneficiaries of the reuse models.
Project Manager
Bezaiet Dessalegn
Egypt, Jordan

Projects & Activities

Supporting National Programs of Agricultural Research in the Arab Countries through Training

Start date
01 Jan 2019
End date
31 Dec 2021
ICARDA sees Capacity Development activities at the heart of its mandate with a vision of strengthening the national capacities of its partner countries to achieve their own goals in the areas of food security, agricultural development, and climate change adaptation. The Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD) by its continuous support to the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) is supporting that vision of strengthening the national capacities of its Member Countries. AFESD Annual grant to ICARDA has contributed substantially to the development of young scientists and research organizations in the Arab Countries.
Project Manager
Charles Kleinermann
Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Sudan

Projects & Activities

Strengthening Innovation and Technology Adoption towards Sustainable Agricultural Productivity in Arab Countries

Start date
01 Jan 2019
End date
06 Feb 2022
The contribution of the AFESD to the project titled, “Strengthening Innovation and Technology Adoption towards Sustainable Agricultural Productivity in Arab Countries” is designed around four components: Component 1: Innovations and scaling in rain-fed farming systems Component 2: Innovations and scaling forage technologies in rain fed areas Component 3: Innovations and scaling in irrigated farming systems Component 4: Innovations and scaling in agro-pastoral farming systems
Project Manager
Seid Ahmed Kemal
Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Sudan

Projects & Activities

Support to the Implementation of Second National Communication (SNC) and First Biennial Update Report (BUR) for Iraq

Start date
28 Dec 2018
End date
31 Dec 2021
The project aims to support Iraq institutions in the preparation of the Second National Communication (SNC) and the Biennial Update Report (BUR) to the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), contributing to develop appropriate strategy for climate mitigation.
Project Manager
Ajit Govind

Projects & Activities

Establishing and Operating a Regional Network for Field Measurement of Actual Crop Water Consumption (Evapotranspiration)

Start date
23 Dec 2018
End date
30 Nov 2021

ICARDA, in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Regional Office for Near East and North Africa, has established the first regional network for field measurements of evapotranspiration in five countries - Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia. The network builds common understanding and methodology on evapotranspiration measurements in the field through remote sensing to deliver accurate data assessments. In addition, it builds understanding on how to use these assessments for agriculture-related applications, such as water accounting, water productivity, and water management.

Project Manager
Vinay Nangia
Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia

Projects & Activities

Extension for Seed Health Laboratory for Increased Seed Health Indexing Lebanon

Start date
01 Oct 2018
End date
30 Apr 2019
The Seed Health Unit (SHU) laboratory expansion plan at ICARDA’s Terbol station in Lebanon involves creating additional space allowing the making of critical modifications to the current laboratory such as segregating the space of incoming & outgoing shipments, separating the testing area of each type of pathogens, availability of staff offices and ensuring their safety.
Project Manager
Safaa G. Kumari

Projects & Activities

Support for Enhancement of Food Security in Arab Countries (Phase III)

Start date
01 Oct 2018
End date
01 Feb 2024
A third phase of the project will build on the results achieved by verifying and fine-tuning recommended technology packages (wheat and food legume cultivars, agronomic and water management technologies), expanding the number of pilot sites to other agro-ecologies thereby out-scaling the technologies to more end-users, and strengthening the capacity of national research and extension systems to promote the technologies for wider adoption.
Project Manager
Seid Ahmed Kemal
Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, State of Palestine, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, Yemen

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