Knowledge Management Portal



The IFAD funded SKiM Knowledge Management Portal, is a beacon of publications, news, data and information coming from research for development organizations, academia, government bodies, national agricultural research systems and extensionists across the globe. The Portal is built to enhance the outreach of the scientific and organizational knowledge aggregated, fostering partnership building and information sharing across users and institutions, strengthening knowledge management and providing the basis for more advanced knowledge visualization (OpenRXV powered SKiM Explorer ).

Projects & Activities

Use of Conservation Agriculture in Crop-Livestock Systems (CLCA) in the Drylands for Enhanced Water Use and Soil Fertility in NEN and LAC Countries

Start date
13 Apr 2018
End date
30 Jun 2022

The project has been designed to combine an adaptive research program, including integrated capacity development, with the active development of a delivery mechanism for CLCA systems to serve as impact accelerators in both targeted regions. The adaptive research component will include a subcomponent, which involves extensive socioeconomic and market data collection to be used for optimizing adapted CLCA packages for different agroecologies and socioeconomic contexts.

Project Manager
Mourad Rekik
Algeria, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Mexico, Tunisia

Projects & Activities

Geoinformatics for designing inclusive cropping systems for sustainable agriculture in Madhya Pradesh

Start date
01 Apr 2018
End date
31 Mar 2020
Agroecosystems in Madhya Pradesh host an enormous variety of biophysical environments with extremely contrast socio-economic, demographic, and unique cropping systems. However, there is lack of systematic and timely (near-real time) information on the cropping system dynamics, crop diversity, rotation, intensity, granularity and options for sustainable interventions at multiple scales. Addressing agricultural development challenges faced by smallholders and strategic decision makers without...
Project Manager
Chandrashekhar Biradar

Projects & Activities

Social Stabilization through Comprehensive Agricultural Support for Refugee Host Communities in Lebanon

Start date
01 Mar 2018
End date
30 Jun 2019
The massive influx of refugees facilitates the creation of social tensions between refugees and host communities. The agricultural sector, due to its contribution to the local economy, may contribute to alleviate social tensions but it's facing problem due to the scarcity of water in Lebanon. For this reason, the project aims at improving agricultural livelihoods for men and women through the rehabilitation of irrigation canals and technical support at the farm-level.
Project Manager
Theib Yousef Oweis Oweis

Projects & Activities

Technologies for African Agriculture Transformation TAAT - Phase I

Start date
19 Feb 2018
End date
30 Jun 2022
Wheat is one of the main components in the diet of Sub-Saharan countries. An improvement of the wheat sector is of primary importance for the wellness and food security of these countries. For this reason, the project aims to improve the efficiency of the production systems through the introduction of new technologies, management practices, innovation platforms and capacity development activities.
Project Manager
Zewdie Bishaw
Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Sudan, United Republic of Tanzania, Zimbabwe

Projects & Activities

Reversing Land Degradation in Africa through Scaling-up Evergreen Agriculture

Start date
01 Jan 2018
End date
31 Mar 2020
Land and soil degradation are the major challenges for sustainable development. The ELD Initiative, through economic evaluation, provides reliable and scientifically robust information on the economic implications of the loss of terrestrial ecosystem services and economic benefits of relevant investments. Transfer of this knowledge into the countries is thus highly relevant and important in order to enhance the countries’ efforts to address land degradation issues.
Project Manager
Richard James Thomas
Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Somalia

Projects & Activities

Genomic Prediction to Deliver Heat Tolerant Wheat to the Senegal River Basin (Phase II)

Start date
01 Jan 2018
End date
31 Dec 2021
The partnership established between SLU and ICARDA will enable to strengthen the durum breeding effort of ICARDA to the Senegal River basin, with a positive effect on the local population. The collaborative research between SLU and ICARDA will provide detailed data on the tolerance of durum wheat to warming climates, but also pyramid multiple sources of heat tolerance through a very novel technique: genomic selection.
Project Manager
Filippo Maria Bassi
Mauritania, Morocco, Senegal

Projects & Activities

Enhancing Water Productivity by Improving On-Farm Irrigation Management in Minya and Fayoum, Egypt

Start date
27 Nov 2017
End date
31 Jul 2020
The productivity and sustainability of water use in agriculture in Egypt depend on efficient water use, at both the farm and basin levels. It is widely agreed that technical and political efforts to improve water use efficiency in irrigated areas are top priorities to mitigate water scarcity in the country. The most effective way to improve use efficiency of irrigation water is to provide better solutions which show farmers how to optimize distribution uniformity and application efficiency.
Project Manager
Atef Swelam

Projects & Activities

Sustainable Silvopastoral Restoration to Promote Ecosystem Service in Tunisia

Start date
21 Nov 2017
End date
31 Mar 2019
The project is a pilot initiative aimed at building resilience of silvopastoral production, increasing and improving the sustainable provision and management of goods and services from agriculture, forestry, and fisheries in the semi-arid areas of Tunisia.
Project Manager
Mounir Louhaichi

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