Knowledge Management Portal



The IFAD funded SKiM Knowledge Management Portal, is a beacon of publications, news, data and information coming from research for development organizations, academia, government bodies, national agricultural research systems and extensionists across the globe. The Portal is built to enhance the outreach of the scientific and organizational knowledge aggregated, fostering partnership building and information sharing across users and institutions, strengthening knowledge management and providing the basis for more advanced knowledge visualization (OpenRXV powered SKiM Explorer ).

Projects & Activities

Support to the Integrated Pest Management program for the Cactus Cochineal 'Dactylopius opuntiae' via the identification of biological characteristics of the pest and its predators, Bio-insecticides and cactus resistant germplasm

Start date
11 Oct 2017
End date
30 Nov 2018
The project will carry out various actions for strengthening stakeholders capacities in detecting, monitoring, controlling and eradicating the Cactus Cochineal 'Dactylopius opuntiae' in Morocco. A short and a medium term action plan will be proposed based on an improved Integrated Pest Management program to stop the spreading and preventing its expansion to other Mediterranean regions
Project Manager
Mustapha El Bouhssini

Projects & Activities

Conservation of pollinator diversity for enhanced climate change resilience

Start date
01 Jun 2017
End date
30 Nov 2023

The aim of this project is to conserve pollinator diversity to enhance climate change resilience in an economically self-sustaining way (without rewards for farmers and sponsored events). For this purpose, it introduces the Farming with Alternative Pollinators (FAP) approach in seven countries with Morocco as the benchmark country. FAP includes a cross-sector policy mix and the project contributes to six Sustainable Development Goals (1, 2, 3, 12, 13 and 15).

Project Manager
Stefanie Christmann
Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, State of Palestine, Türkiye

Projects & Activities

Capacity Development of Field Veterinarians in the Field of Small Ruminants' Reproduction and Artificial Insemination (Phase I & II)

Start date
01 May 2017
End date
07 Feb 2019
Through a collaborative action within ICARDA and other national institutions, several trainings will be carried out in order to facilitate the growth of small ruminants sector, focusing on the reproduction and artificial insemination sector.
Project Manager
Mourad Rekik
Ethiopia, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, State of Palestine

Projects & Activities

Third Agreement for Africa - RISING (Research in Sustainable Intensification for the Next Generation)

Start date
01 Apr 2017
End date
30 Nov 2022
In Africa, cereals and food legumes are produced during the rainy seasons. Smallholder farmers need to bridge the 3-4 months food and feed gaps until the main season harvest is available. Wheat and barley are important crops for food and income generation for poor farmers, especially in women-headed households. The legume component improves system productivity through nitrogen fixation, serving as a break for insect pests, weed and disease cycles affecting wheat and barley.
Project Manager
Seid Ahmed Kemal

Projects & Activities

India Collaborative Program: Restricted funding for breeding for resistance to abiotic stresses in pulses & for 2017/2018 - 2017/2020 - 2020/2021

Start date
01 Apr 2017
End date
31 Mar 2023

The India Collaborative Program between the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and ICARDA was set up for a period of three years (2014-15/2016-17) to promote, among other areas, collaboration in research for genetic enhancement of yields, quality improvement and resistance to abiotic stresses, impact analysis of technological interventions on pulses, and mapping of rice-follows to identify areas for various crop cultivation using geo-informatics tools.

Project Manager
Shiv Kumar Agrawal

Projects & Activities

Dissemination, Diffusion, and Adoption of the Best Soil Fertility and Soil Health Management Practices and Technologies for the Farmers of Pakistan (Phase 2)

Start date
01 Mar 2017
End date
31 May 2018
The project is divided in two phases: The first phase promotes the use of balanced nitrogen, phosphorus fertilizers, micronutrient fertilizers, use of machinery for rice residue management, Zero-till wheat planting, fertilizer placement and banana residue chopping for making compost. Second phase based on diffusion and adoption of technologies proven effective through meeting, training, use of electronic media, cell-phone and internet with focus on small farmers.
Project Manager
Abdul Majid

Projects & Activities

CGIAR Research Program on Livestock Agri-Food Systems

Start date
01 Jan 2017
End date
31 Dec 2021
The CGIAR Research Program on Livestock (LIVESTOCK) provides research-based solutions to help smallholder farmers, pastoralists and agro-pastoralists transition to sustainable, resilient livelihoods and to productive enterprises that will help feed future generations.
Project Manager
Barbara Rischkowsky
Ethiopia, Morocco, Tunisia

Projects & Activities

Partnerships for Improving Pastoral Policies (PIPP)

Start date
01 Jan 2017
End date
31 Dec 2018
Rangelands in Tunisia cover 4.5 million ha, about 25% of the country's total landmass. The traditional system has now been replaced by an uncontrolled one. Current legislation has contributed to the disappearance of the traditional common rangelands governance system. For this reason, the project aims to develop a new pastoral code specific to rangelands and maximize society's ability to manage and protect natural resources.
Project Manager
Mounir Louhaichi

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