Knowledge Management Portal



The IFAD funded SKiM Knowledge Management Portal, is a beacon of publications, news, data and information coming from research for development organizations, academia, government bodies, national agricultural research systems and extensionists across the globe. The Portal is built to enhance the outreach of the scientific and organizational knowledge aggregated, fostering partnership building and information sharing across users and institutions, strengthening knowledge management and providing the basis for more advanced knowledge visualization (OpenRXV powered SKiM Explorer ).

Projects & Activities

CGIAR Research Program on Livestock Agri-Food Systems

Start date
01 Jan 2017
End date
31 Dec 2021
The CGIAR Research Program on Livestock (LIVESTOCK) provides research-based solutions to help smallholder farmers, pastoralists and agro-pastoralists transition to sustainable, resilient livelihoods and to productive enterprises that will help feed future generations.
Project Manager
Barbara Rischkowsky
Ethiopia, Morocco, Tunisia

Projects & Activities

Improving groundwater management to enhance agriculture and farming livelihoods in Pakistan

Start date
01 Oct 2016
End date
30 Sep 2020
In the Pakistani agricultural lands, as a consequence of the recent increased cropping intensities, the water demand has become higher, not only for private farmers but also for the small holders. Retrieving water from salinization sources is very expensive, and land becomes soon less fertile if not properly irrigated. There's a lack of regulations, data and there's a need for positive implications towards a long-term integrated management approach, among the decision-making stakeholders.
Project Manager
Usman Khalid Awan

Projects & Activities

Increasing the Productivity of Cereal-based Systems to Enhance Food Security in Iran

Start date
03 Sep 2016
End date
02 Sep 2021
A collaborative program on Technology Transfer to enhance food security in Iran, to be implemented in four provinces of East Azerbaijan; Kermanshah, Kurdistan and Lorestan.
Project Manager
Abdoul Aziz Niane
Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Projects & Activities

In vitro culture and genomics-assisted fast track improvement of local landraces of wheat and barley in Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria for enhancing food security and adaptation to climate change

Start date
01 Sep 2016
End date
31 Dec 2020
Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria are not self-sufficient in production of wheat and barley which are the major staple food crops .The yield levels are low because of climate change impacts. The local landraces and their wild relatives offer an important gene pool as sources of adaptation and tolerance to many biotic and abiotic stresses. This project is about enhancing the capacitiy of National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) to apply new genomic tools and technologies for crop improvement
Project Manager
Sripada M. Udupa
Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia

Projects & Activities


Start date
30 Aug 2016
End date
27 Nov 2019
Project Manager
Mary Margaret McRae

Projects & Activities

Impact evaluation of SLM options to achieve land degradation neutrality

Start date
01 Aug 2016
End date
30 Nov 2017
As part of the ongoing Economics of Land Degradation initiative ( the proposal aims to value current land use strategies and feasible alternatives in economic-terms, in order to promote more sustainable land management that is also in line with national development goals.
Project Manager
Richard James Thomas

Projects & Activities

Variety, Technology and Seed System Development for Pulses in Odisha - Odisha Pulse Mission

Start date
23 Jul 2016
End date
30 Nov 2019
In the agricultural Indian sector, there has been evidence of a lack of pulse's production. Even though in India, and particularly in the Odisha region, there is a huge potential of producing pulses, there are still deficiencies. To meet the gap, the State imports pulses as pulses are a significant source of protein and India accounts for 33 % of the world area under pulse crops. Since prices are getting higher, a coordinated scientific approach is needed to enhance sustainable pulse production. This project intends to improve the pulses scenario in the State given the low State productivity (509 kg/ha compared to the national average yield of 764 kg/ha), the inadequate pulses production in Odisha (total production of 1.06 million tons and a deficit of 0.22 million tons), and the low per capita pulses consumption leading to protein/vitamin mineral malnutrition (PVMM) mostly in women, children and girls.
Project Manager
Nigamananda Swain

Projects & Activities

Designing effective extension service delivery systems for enhancing wider adoption of agricultural technologies

Start date
01 Jul 2016
End date
30 Jun 2019
The project aims at alleviating the three main constraints of the adoption of improved agricultural technologies, namely poor information transfer mechanisms, lack of advisory systems and financial services, and unavailability of timely and adequate inputs. This should enhance wide adoption of sustainable and productive farming practices and hence reduce poverty and increase national food security in Ethiopia.
Project Manager
Yigezu Atnafe Yigezu

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